Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Stake Youth Fireside

Just a reminder...there is a Stake Youth Fireside on January 24th at 7 pm. **PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE**  We will be introducing the 2016 Mutual Goals!! We will also be broadcasting the Face2Face broadcast with Elder Rasband, Sister Oscarson and Brother Owen.  Please remind the youth that they can submit their questions on the LDS Youth Facebook page or on Twitter and Instagram using #LDSface2face. The attached poster will be in all of the buildings on Sunday. As always, if you have any questions please let us know!


Oakcrest Kickoff!

We just wanted to make you all aware that the date for the Oakcrest Kickoff has been changed to February 7th at 7 pm.  The registration dates are earlier this year, so we have changed our date accordingly.  We hope this doesn't cause any confusion.

Just a reminder that Oakcrest is only for girls that have completed the 7th grade THIS YEAR.  No exceptions will be made.  Please print the invite for each of your YW that fit that criteria. It is important that the girls and parent(s) attend this meeting to get all of the information necessary for registration.  Please plan to send at least one leader to the meeting. We recommend having the leader that will be in charge of Oakcrest for your ward be the person that attends.  If you have any questions concerning Oakcrest please let Melinda Anderson know. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mission Prep Fireside Sunday January 10th!!

You all should have received an email from Brother Anderson of the High Council with information about the upcoming Mission Prep Fireside.  

There are posters in all of the buildings to advertise for the Fireside.  Click here for a copy of the flyer Brother Anderson sent out to this post. Please make sure that each youth that turns 14 or older this year receives one of the flyers.  We really would love to have as many youth there as possible.  We also need parents there so they can participate in the Parents breakout session so they have a better understanding of the changes.  Your bishops, priesthood, relief society and primary leaders should also be announcing the fireside to help out.  

The Mission Prep program, the curriculum, the time it's held and the way it is run is completely different! We are really excited about this because we feel the changes were completely guided by the spirit.  As we have helped to create, prepare and plan we have felt the Lord's hand.  

Are any of you wondering what your role will be in all of this!?!  Well...let us tell you!  You are the cheerleaders, the support, the helpmates to get the YW in your ward there.  Each ward will have a Mission Prep Liaison.  We recommend that you work closely with this individual or couple to help them get the youth excited!  The Liaison is in charge of making sure that the youth know which class to go to. They will also be in charge of teaching the ward run mission prep classes throughout the year. 

As a stake, to go with the changes in Mission Prep, we will be holding a stake-wide Mini MTC on May 14th (more info to come!)  We are all so excited about what this can do for our youth. The opportunities and the learning potential are crazy awesome! With that in mind we are also asking that with the help of the Ward Liaison, the Bishopric and the YW & YM leaders that each ward organize and run a Mini MTC on the ward level sometime in September. Our goal is to give the youth as many opportunities as possible to learn how to feel the spirit and share the gospel.  

Please plan to attend the fireside this Sunday for more info on the program.  You are welcome to attend any of the breakout sessions.

We love you and feel so blessed to serve with you and these AH-MAZING YW!!


January Newsletter

Click here for the January Newsletter.