Monday, November 9, 2015

2016 Goal Printables and Clip Art

Here are the links for all of the 2016 Goal Printables given at the October Auxiliary training.  We are also including the clip art that we used for the printables for your use. Keep in mind we will be printing a large version of the full scripture for each YW room.  We will have the quarterly goal displayed and will be changing it out each quarter.  If you have questions or cannot view the items please let us know.

2016 Mutual Theme Scripture Printable
2016 Quarterly Goal Printable

1st Quarter Goal (Brightness of Hope)
2nd Quarter Goal (Love of God & of All Men)
3rd Quarter Goal (Feasting Upon the Word of Christ)
4th Quarter Goal (Endure to the End)

2016 Goal Clip Art 

November Newsletter

Click here for the November Newsletter.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Welcome Back!!

Hello everyone!!  We are excited to get back to utilizing our blog in a better way! 

The blog is no longer private.  You should be able to get access to the blog easily with the super long url ( or you can just add it as a bookmark or favorite in your browser.  What?!  You don't think you will remember to check the blog??  We get it.  There is a fantastic feature in the right column called "Stay Connected".  PLEASE enter your email address into this little box and make sure you follow up by checking your email and following the simple steps so the system knows that you are really interested in following our blog. Once you have complete those steps you will receive an email whenever we update the blog.  

We would love to use the blog as a helpful tool for you as leaders.  We have plans to have all of the newsletters available. We will have all of the invites for the stake activities as well as the 2016 goal info.  We will also be posting ideas that we hope you will implement in your wards.  

We are truly grateful for all that you do.  We love you and hope that you know that we are rooting for you!  We want you and your YW to succeed!  


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Save the Date!! Laurel & Priest Mini MTC Experience

Click here for a printable version of the flyer to hand out to the Laurels.We would LOVE for everyone to come!!

Worldwide Youth Event May 12!

We  have an awesome opportunity to listen to Elder and Sister Bednar answer questions from the youth on May 12th at 6 pm.  This event will be broadcast at the Stake Center in the cultural hall (casual dress is appropriate).  Invite your youth to submit their questions here before the event or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #LDSface2face

The Stake Presidency has asked that this event take the place of your regular mutual activity that week.  This is such a great tool for the youth!

Stake Youth Activity April 30!

We are super excited about our upcoming Stake Youth activity on April 30 @ 7 pm!!  Please see the flyer for details.  Remember to take pictures as your youth are gathering the donations and post them on social media with #ssrenlisted!  

Plan to bring all of the donations the night of the activity.  There will be designated drop off locations inside the cultural hall.  If you have any questions please let us know.

Click here for a printable color version of the flyer.
Click here for a printable black and white version of the flyer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Girls Camp Forms for YW & Camp Logos

Just in case you need the forms that were handed out at our camp meeting for the young women, we thought we would make them available here on the blog.  Click on the appropriate links to download the forms. As always, if you have any questions please let us know. 

Parent Letter
Heber Valley Girls Camp Registration and Medical Form
Packing List

We have also had requests for the Camp Logos that we have been using.  We have one that is color and one that is black and white.  Click on the appropriate links to download the pictures of each.  Feel free to use them for anything you want.  If there are any problems let us know...we don't claim to be professionals when it comes to this. :)

2015 Girls Camp Logo - Black and White 
2015 Girls Camp Logo - Color 


Fundraising Ideas for Camp

Hello Beautiful YW Leaders!  We know that you are all probably working on your fundraising ideas right now, but just in case you need a little help here are a few more ideas.  Just a reminder that the YW are responsible for $30 and the ward (whether through a fundraiser or the ward budget) is responsible for $30. Please let us know if you have any questions about this.

101 Donation Sites for Fundraising Auctions
Little Caesar Pizza Kits
Pizza Fundraiser

There are also lots of companies that are willing to donate to a church group. If you know of any more please comment on this post so everyone can benefit from your knowledge.  The following is a list that we have used (keep in mind that many of these businesses have limited funds to donate, so the earlier you call the better):

Texas Roadhouse
Olive Garden

Here is a link to Business Donation Source List.

Again, if you have any info you would like to share that would be great!! Just comment on this post. :)  



Sunday, February 15, 2015

Multi-Stake Dance Schedule

There have been a few changes regarding the Multi-Stake Dances.  Going forward we will only be required to provide chaperones for the dance that our stake is in charge of.  This year we are over the dance in November.  We will be asking for your help as we get closer.  Below is the schedule for this year. This is also printed on the dance cards.  Please note that the date in February is different than what is printed on the card.     

For a printable copy click here.