Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Save the Date!! Laurel & Priest Mini MTC Experience

Click here for a printable version of the flyer to hand out to the Laurels.We would LOVE for everyone to come!!

Worldwide Youth Event May 12!

We  have an awesome opportunity to listen to Elder and Sister Bednar answer questions from the youth on May 12th at 6 pm.  This event will be broadcast at the Stake Center in the cultural hall (casual dress is appropriate).  Invite your youth to submit their questions here before the event or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #LDSface2face

The Stake Presidency has asked that this event take the place of your regular mutual activity that week.  This is such a great tool for the youth!

Stake Youth Activity April 30!

We are super excited about our upcoming Stake Youth activity on April 30 @ 7 pm!!  Please see the flyer for details.  Remember to take pictures as your youth are gathering the donations and post them on social media with #ssrenlisted!  

Plan to bring all of the donations the night of the activity.  There will be designated drop off locations inside the cultural hall.  If you have any questions please let us know.

Click here for a printable color version of the flyer.
Click here for a printable black and white version of the flyer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015