Monday, November 9, 2015

2016 Goal Printables and Clip Art

Here are the links for all of the 2016 Goal Printables given at the October Auxiliary training.  We are also including the clip art that we used for the printables for your use. Keep in mind we will be printing a large version of the full scripture for each YW room.  We will have the quarterly goal displayed and will be changing it out each quarter.  If you have questions or cannot view the items please let us know.

2016 Mutual Theme Scripture Printable
2016 Quarterly Goal Printable

1st Quarter Goal (Brightness of Hope)
2nd Quarter Goal (Love of God & of All Men)
3rd Quarter Goal (Feasting Upon the Word of Christ)
4th Quarter Goal (Endure to the End)

2016 Goal Clip Art 

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