Sunday, November 8, 2015

Welcome Back!!

Hello everyone!!  We are excited to get back to utilizing our blog in a better way! 

The blog is no longer private.  You should be able to get access to the blog easily with the super long url ( or you can just add it as a bookmark or favorite in your browser.  What?!  You don't think you will remember to check the blog??  We get it.  There is a fantastic feature in the right column called "Stay Connected".  PLEASE enter your email address into this little box and make sure you follow up by checking your email and following the simple steps so the system knows that you are really interested in following our blog. Once you have complete those steps you will receive an email whenever we update the blog.  

We would love to use the blog as a helpful tool for you as leaders.  We have plans to have all of the newsletters available. We will have all of the invites for the stake activities as well as the 2016 goal info.  We will also be posting ideas that we hope you will implement in your wards.  

We are truly grateful for all that you do.  We love you and hope that you know that we are rooting for you!  We want you and your YW to succeed!  


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